Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Night at the Esccos

The Escos-- that is a name we give ourselves as a family, although it is technically incorrect since there are at least two Johnstons amongst us...occasionally. We have developed a tradition of getting together at one of our homes on Friday nights to reconnect, to eat and to talk-- a lot of eating, superseded alone by the talking. We talk about family events. For example, Joe, who suffered a mild heart attack on Tuesday, was on our conversation tonight. We spoke of the lifestyle changes he will have to make to adjust to his physical condition. This we did while we scarfed down a serious quantity of homemade tacos. I mentioned to my family that I would also have to make some changes in my eating habits. They were happy. I clarified by stating I would begin to eat with my left hand. They were not amused.
We also talk about politics, religion, ethics, the Law, the Bible, and any of a myriad of subjects which are deemed worthy of discussion. I must confess I missed out on the core of the conversation tonight since I was busy eating. The tacos were delicious! I also had to leave early to take Nana back to her home. That is another story.
An event of note that was not recalled in the previous entry is that the trailer we brought back from Phoenix disappeared from behind the Suburban sometime between 6:00 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. this morning. We have no idea who did it. I thought everyone was joking when I rolled off the sofa out of curiosity. We had to do the police report and all.
Arizona does not feel real yet. Here I am enjoying Sabbath with my family on Friday night as I have for years. The only difference is that at the end of the day I will be going to another room to sleep since Ruben, Jr. and Janelle are now occupying the master bedroom. This is very strange. But God is good!

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