Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Insightful Conversation

Wow!  The first day of February is already here.   I have been in the office almost the whole week.  But for a brief visit to the Red Rock School on Monday, it would have been the entire week.

On my way walking home yesterday after work I stopped to talk to good friend that used to be involved at one of our elementary schools in the area.  It was an insightful and sobering conversation.  It brought many unknown matters to my attention; some that I had not considered before.  I learned a lot from the conversation.  As a result I will have to be a bit more perceptive regarding things that are taking place around me that I may not even have noticed before.  It was a sobering moment.

Such a conversation does beg the question “why do people avoid talking to me about matters that I might be able to address before they escalate?  Am I unapproachable?  Am I irrelevant?  Am I ineffective?  It does make me wonder.  I am not deterred since I know that the worst thing for me to do is to do nothing at all as if paralyzed by the fear of failure.  Oh well, I keep learning more every day.

By the way, my bad haircut is getting quite a bit of exposure around the office since mysterious pictures have begun to appear posted in prominent places around the office of the new “doo” and even one of me with a full head of hair in a state of disarray.  I don’t know how or where this is going to end but it has provided quite a bit of good natured laughter around the office.  (226.6)

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