Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Close Encounter in Sedona

Not much time for blogging today. I have a board meeting in Tucson. I was hoping to spend some time on the campus today, but I have accumulated some considerable amount of work due to my journeys to Yuma and Cottonwood for the last two days. I doubt I will catch up.
I spent a great day at Cottonwood, at the Verde Valley School. I got to know the kids in this small seven student school a bit better. I had some time in between the end of the day and the evening school board meeting, so I scheduled some time with a retired teacher from the Ask Fork area in northern Arizona, 40 miles west of Flagstaff, Arizona on Interstate 40.
I met with Joan in Sedona. We were driving from opposite sides of the city and finally connected in front of a KFC. From there we went searching for a place to sit and talk about the future of Adventist Education in Ask Fork. We settled for a small diner, the name of which escapes me, which was a decorated with an extraterrestrial theme. Very strange. But we ordered something off the menu—she had a hot chocolate, which was delivered post haste with a generous helping of whipped cream and chocolate syrup spilling over the sides of the over-sized cup. I had ordered the Tofu Noodle Bowl—I had no idea what it was but it seemed “out of this world.” It was not. It arrived a bit later and quite honestly is a bit hard to describe. It was however, inedible. I am happy we talked back and forth for almost an hour and a half, since it gave me an excuse not to eat.
The discussion was fruitful and set the process in motion that hopefully will see a conference-sponsored school open up in the Fall of 2011. God's purposes often begin with insignificant and mundane meetings in strange places by people brought together fron totally different wals of life. Providence often seems serendipitous, but it is certainly not. I am happy to be part of the His journey, regardless of how it unfolds. By the way, the noodle cup was boxed and hastily disposed of soon after we went our separate ways. Thank goodness for Taco Bell…

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