Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unexpected Sabbath Treat

I had a great day in Riverside today. It was an unexpected surprise since I was scheduled to speak for a prayer retreat in Prescott this weekend. Nonetheless, I enjoyed a great evening with my boys, my daughter, my son-in-law and daughter-in-law, my grandchildren, and Penny. We were up late laughing at old photos and discussing parenting skills. Everyone is an expert at raising other people's children. The topic of my grandchildren is no exception. Everyone has an opinion. But it is fun getting into the fray.

My daughter-in-law a cooked up a feast for Sabbath lunch - a Middle Eastern feast at that. There was humus and baclava and lentils and rice and salad, and many more delicacies. I helped a little. The Escalante House was filled with family members and friends-- there must have been over 40 people there! The conversations extended well into the afternoon. I notice we laugh a lot at family gatherings. We all know that everything is not totally fine; after all we have an aunt that is very ill from cancer-- she was there. We have family that is struggling with their walk with God-- they were there. There was even an old family friend that is getting married tomorrow in his new family's back yard. All are there for family and friendship and a safe haven these these gatherings provide. It was a great Sabbath!

Oh, by the way, my beautiful young niece Ashley announced her engagement to the young studly Nolan. We all knew it was coming but it was a great family moment anyway. Nolan is a great guy. My condolences to my brother-in-law, Skip, who will bear the financial brunt for the nuptials of his only daughter.

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