Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sabbath on the Run (continued)

Penny and I just got back from a Sabbath School Workshop held at the Paradise Valley SDA Church.   I was asked to make a presentation to Sabbath School teachers on how to use the method used by Jesus to teach.  I enjoyed teaching the class.  It made me yearn for the simpler days when I didn’t have to worry about things greater than grading papers and having a great time teaching and interacting with students.

I did have a great time at church this morning preaching, and even playing the piano when it became apparent no such being was present to play for church.  On the other hand, I got into a bit of hot water with my wife, Penny.  I made the mistake (in her eyes) of mentioning the fact that she did not like my sermon title (the truth), that she had made mention of my expanded girth in order to encourage me to exercise more (the truth), and for good measure, that she, like many others in the fairer gender, seem to require more attention and emotional care than Neanderthal males, such as me.  For some reason she took exception to my making mention of these insignificant items during my morning sermon, for anecdotal and illustrative purposes only.  Oh well…

Well, we had to get legal advice from my two lawyer sons on the merits of her misplaced angst (notice the possessive nature of my statement), and even elicited the opinion of my pastor daughter.  All of my children wholeheartedly agreed with my total innocence (contested point) and the unfounded basis for her disdain (slanted opinion).  Actually, Penny is looking over my shoulder at this very moment and making editorial suggestions as to the veracity of my previous statement.   I suggested she launch her own blog if she wants equal access….  We may have to call my children again tonight….

We will be going on a date (Superintendents actually go on dates!) to the Acro Program at TAA in a few minutes.   We may even go out to eat with a prospective math teacher d his wife, who happens to be in town.  I received that bad news on Thursday that our candidate for TAA registrar had decided to accept a position at a school closer to her family.  That means we are beginning the process again tomorrow.  We have some solid options.  Personnel will be interviewing a couple of candidates for the principal position tomorrow evening. Both are solid candidates, and I would be delighted to work with either one of them.  Keep the process in your prayers.  Keep the Personnel Committee in your prayers. 

Gotta go….

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