Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Escape to the West

Sunday began early this week.  It usually provides me the opportunity to stay in bed a few extra minutes.  Today would not allow me such a luxury.  Today was the AZ Conference Retirees’ Christmas Banquet at the conference office.

The conference quartet, that still remains nameless, was slated to sing a few songs for the retirees.  That required some last minute rehearsing in the morning before it was time to set up the sound system.  We practiced and actually sounded quite nice—the acoustics in the cafeteria are quite impressive.

In any case, we practiced and got to sing four songs.  I wish I could say we sounded as good during the banquet as we did practicing, but this was definitely not the case.  Our only solace was the possibility that some of them could not hear us well enough to know how fragmented we sounded.  Or perhaps they did hear us and were simply very gracious with us not wanting to hurt our feelings.  Well, we get another chance this coming Thursday at the conference Christmas Party.

Penny and I left to Riverside immediately after we finished singing.  It was our daughter-in-law’s 30th birthday celebration put together by the aunts back in California.  We arrived about two minutes too late to be in on the “Surprise!”  But we did get there in time for all the good food.  It was a great time with family.  No doubt we are missing the family more and more.  But God has provided us plenty of opportunity to visit and spend some time with them.

We’ll see how and where God leads for next year.  (217.8)

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