This is a week of major transitions. The school year is ending at most schools with the conclusion of “postweek.” I visited Glenview Academy yesterday to have my exit interviews with the teachers. I returned to Thunderbird and had an administrative meeting with the principal and vice-principal. The work day ended close to midnight and found me going over the AAF contract that is being brought to the Education Board this afternoon. After all the speculation about this partnership with AAF, a document is actually surfacing and taking shape. It remains to be seen if the Education Board will be open to the new paradigm.
The Maricopa Village School Board met last night as well to iron out the wrinkles that still remain on the road to reopening the school. I am having a real education on the ins and outs of the Native American Ministries in general and the personalities that make it run. I was authorized to pursue new and old sources of funding for the MVAS budget. There was much enthusiasm and lots of prayers being sent up. I am sure more prayers went up last night after our meeting. I am not very good at asking for money from donors, but necessity elicits all kinds of unaccustomed behaviors. I hope to have the contract for the MVAS approved today—we’ll see.
We’re off—it should be an exciting ride!